Technology Eureka!
We focus our efforts each week on real estate and working with sellers that need to sell a house fast for a list of reasons. We also analyze cash flowing businesses looking for great investments opportunities, so we often encounter new ideas and new technologies that are just waiting to be developed, some of which may well revolutionize the world as we know it.
You’ve probably never heard of graphene, much less heard about how it could change our lives for the better, but this short video highlights two scientists that had a eureka moment that will certainly impact our lives in the near future!
The Super Supercapacitor | Brian Golden Davis from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo.
This is a great example of new technologies that are on the horizon that may indeed improve countless lives and allow us to do so much more. Sure we love real estate and the great opportunities it brings, as well as the large returns on investment very possible.
But keep in mind there are lots of ways to invest your hard-earned money. While real estate is a solid, time-tested method, there are an abundance of investment opportunities in the technology sector that can potentially yield amazing returns and simultaneously have a major impact on the world around us.
We all want to make a difference and investing in the future is a great way to do so. Contact Us if you’re interested in learning about any of the technology projects our partners are developing – there are some very exciting opportunities, from to green technologies that could revolutionize third world countries, to cancer treatment breakthroughs that could save and extend hundreds of thousands of lives throughout the world.